Sunday, October 12, 2008

Grilled Lamb Chops

My wife wanted lamb burgers for dinner, but there was no ground lamb to be had, so we settled for lamb chops. I used the marinade from this recipe, but opted for grilling instead of broiling. I always struggle a little bit with grilling, because I'm afraid of over-cooking the meat. As a result, I typically end up under-cooking it. Tonight, though, it came out ok. I'm not sure I can replicate it, but it was ok tonight.

I noticed that there was an awful lot of flame-up on the grill. Not sure if this was the marinade or the lamb-fat, but it gave the chops some nice blackening, without over-doing the interior meat.


Anonymous said...

It was the lamb fat. That's why lamb burgers are best on the grill.

Tappet said...

I wondered if it was something like that. Grill lamb. Check!